Saturday, June 02, 2018

Newfound Respect for Female Entrepreneurs

Since quitting her day job and founding her own brewing company Lineup Brewing, Katarina Martinez (pictured) is one of the most-watched women on New York's bar scene.  In addition, she has developed a newfound respect for female small business owners.

Over the last year, the demand for her craft beers has grown so immensely that she is planning to open a new space — including a brewery with a 15-barrel system, an outdoor area, and a bar.

After she was disenchanted with the work scene, she decided to quit her job and launch her own business.
“I was just like ‘I want to start my own company, I don’t want to work for ‘The Man’ anymore,’ ” she remembered. “It was that moment when it clicked that I could do my hobby and my passion as a real-life career.”
Read more about how Martinez achieved success pursuing her passion, despite the fact that she won’t ever forget the hard work that comes with being a woman taking a risk.

Note:  You must read some of the media articles on how Martinez named one of her beers, 'Bieryonce' and how Beyonce came after her.

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