Saturday, February 08, 2025

How Digital Transformation Influences the Landscape of Female Entrepreneurship

This study explores the relationship between the digital entrepreneurial ecosystem and female entrepreneurial activity in 45 countries using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. It highlights the importance of female entrepreneurship for economic and social development and examines how a Digital Entrepreneurial Ecosystem elements collectively impact female entrepreneurial activity. 

The research contributes to a deeper understanding of how digital transformation influences the landscape of female entrepreneurship, emphasizing the role of digital ecosystems in promoting inclusive entrepreneurship.

Saturday, February 01, 2025

Women Entrepreneurs Are Reshaping the Business Landscape, Especially in Uzbekistan

Dono Zupparhanova is one of many women entrepreneurs reshaping the business landscape in Uzbekistan, leveraging financial services to enhance resilience and driving community development across the country. 

In her shop, Dono Zupparhanova carefully curates a selection of colorful bed linens and towels, each item a testament to her family’s long history in the textile industry. Her journey began in 1996, when her mother opened the Demir Shopping Centre, introducing foreign textiles to Uzbekistan. Today, Zupparhanova  continues that legacy as the newest entrepreneur running the business her mother started.

Zupparhanova plans to open four more stores by the end of the year.  She is committed to uplifting other women entrepreneurs, sharing her experiences, and breaking down societal barriers in Uzbekistan.

Read more about her journey and other women entrepreneurs who are breaking down barriers, challenging the status quo, and inspiring each other to reach their full potential.