Monday, July 12, 2004

Female Entrepreneurs: Why Women Rule

As published by Fortune Small Business (June, 2004), here is a snapshot of why women are starting their own businesses:

• To get control over their own schedule/hours.
• Frustrated with the "glass ceiling" at a BIG company.
• Saw a lucrative market niche and decided to fill it.
• Miscellaneous other reasons.

Why the surge in female entrepreneurship? The article purports it is due to:

• Women are now better educated.
• Women have more corporate experience than before.
• The squeaky-tight job market of the past couple of years has led lots of BIG companies to do away with "family friendly" policies such as flexible schedules.
• Limited opportunities women have for promotion.
• Instead of women complaining about the "glass ceiling," they are building their own houses!
• They spot a lucrative market niche and go for it.

Why are women's businesses growing faster than men's? Clues: Women are more tenacious, more goal-oriented, more fastidious budgeters and more frugal, to name just a few of the reasons cited.

To read the entire article by Annie Fisher, visit Fortune Small Business:,15114,654759,00.html

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