Saturday, October 29, 2022

Develop a Mindset Driven By Curiosity to Explore the World in Different Ways

Babson Professor Heidi Neck’s new 2022 course is Ideate, based in part on her 2020 book, The IDEATE Method: Identifying High-Potential Entrepreneurial Ideas. She describes the class as a mixture of creativity, idea generation, and the entrepreneurial mindset. The output of the course is 100 high-potential entrepreneurial ideas per student.

It’s not about a deep vetting of those ideas,” she added. It’s also not about feasibility analysis, minimum viable product, and design thinking. That’s for Babson’s other courses to explore. “This class is about developing a mindset driven by curiosity to explore the world in different ways. And, from that, using creativity to take what they learned in that exploration to create new ideas, and then building courage to share those ideas and take action under conditions of uncertainty.”

Neck has built a successful and influential career on identifying ideas, taking action, and teaching entrepreneurially.  She has done such a good job for 21 years at Babson that she has been recognized as one of the very best entrepreneurship educators.

Learn more about Neck, her class and what's so special about it.

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